Thu, 10 Apr 2003

Malaysian firms want 12,400 RI workers

MATARAM, West Nusa Tenggara: A number of Malaysian companies, particularly those engaged in palm oil plantations, has requested about 12,400 workers from West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) in the last four months.

Purnomo Rahardjo, head of the manpower placement agency in the province, said here on Wednesday that of the total demand, 6,671 workers had been sent to Malaysia.

He said the new workers would replace those whose contracts would expire in the next two months.

"We are seeking 6,000 more job seekers to be trained and supplied to the neighbor country to meet the demand," he said.

He added that all workers sent to Malaysia would be well prepared and trained, because of the immigration laws in that country. -- Antara