Sun, 03 Mar 2002

Making a return to a fitness program

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

Remember Jeff and Heidi? If you don't, both are reporters at The Jakarta Post who were also volunteers in a three-month fitness program to reclaim their long-lost fitness.

The program began last November, and it kicked off well. Despite long periods of inactivity, a sedentary lifestyle and long work hours as reporters, they were highly motivated.

Well, for Heidi, maybe it was more about looking good in a tight T-shirt rather than being healthy and fit. But her spirit soared high and she was committed to come as scheduled.

However, after a month of exercising and achieving some good results -- shedding a few kilos, getting fitter and stronger -- it did not work out.

Work intruded, as Jeff and Heidi found it difficult to meet the schedule because of their irregular work hours. First there was the obligatory in-house training, and then came Ramadhan fasting month, plus the instructor was often sick.

With all of those reasons, the program finally ended before even half of it was done.

After some time, OK, nearly two months after their last workout session in December, Jeff and Heidi felt restless again.

The fear of gaining weight kept creeping in as they fell back into their "slackers" attitude again: working long hours, a lot of sitting, staying up late, late-night snacks and no exercise whatsoever. Miraculously, Jeff and Heidi did not gain a pound, even though the program had ended.

"It's a miracle. Back then, before we regularly worked out, it was very easy for me to gain weight. But since the program, my weight has remained stable and I've been watching my diet too," Jeff said.

But they knew that it was not going to be long. Besides, they still have a lot of kilos to lose.

Above all, they missed that feeling of being healthy and strong (like, who can beat you after 50 minutes on the treadmill, the one hour Taebo class plus a series of weight-training sessions?), the freshness of taking a hot shower after more than two hours working out, and having a good sleep afterwards.

And so, starting the second week of February, the couple got back to the gym again. This time, they join the Jakarta Hilton International's LifeSpa and Fitness Center.

To assist them in their quest to become fitter was Thomas Weber, the center's program director.

As usual, at the beginning of the program, Jeff and Heidi were given an evaluation, although it was not as thorough as the earlier program when their body parts were measured.

According to Thomas, it is not really essential to measure the body.

"Let's emphasize fitness. It's a matter of leading a healthy lifestyle. When you're fit and doing it (the exercise) right, you'll lose weight," he said.

Thomas then asked about the main goal of the couple. Guess what Heidi came up with?

"My main goal is to lose weight," she said.

"Anything else?" Thomas asked.

"OK, to get healthier."

"Fitter, perhaps? Stronger, maybe?"

"Mmm.. losing weight, basically."

For Heidi, it starts with 10 minutes on the treadmill as a warm up, which continues with stretching and abdominal exercises. Afterwards, comes some weight training, which ends with 20 minutes on the treadmill again.

The program is conducted three times a week with some cardiovascular exercises in between. It was working out on the treadmill, the cycling machine and the stepper, which makes Heidi sweat a lot and think of dying there and then.

"But you know what? I feel so fresh!" Heidi flashed the best grin, imagining that the time to wear that sexy tank-top is soon approaching.