Make Friday a holiday
From Panji Masyarakat
Sunday is a holiday. I would like to suggest to the Minister of Religious Affairs, the United Development Party, the Indonesian Council of Ulemas, the Association of Indonesian Moslem Intellectuals and all other Moslem organizations that Friday be made a national holiday. The reasons are:
* Friday is the most holy day of the week.
* Friday has the shortest office hours for Moslems because they must prepare themselves for Friday prayers.
* Friday has been a holiday for Muhammadiyah.
* The Islamic community in South Sulawesi, in particular, consider Friday a day of faith and therefore refrain from working in the rice fields. If they do work, they will stop working at about nine in the morning.
* Friday is designated for sport activities for civil servants and armed forces members.
* And Sunday can be made a full working day.
Ujungpandang, South Sulawesi