Tue, 05 Mar 2002

Lovers killed by passing train

JAKARTA: Two lovers Sulistiono, 20, and Tati, also 20, were killed by a train on Jl. Percetakan Negara I, Johar Baru subdistrict, Central Jakarta on Sunday evening.

Hambali AS, a security guard who witnessed the incident, said that both lovers were sitting on the railway line at around 8:30 p.m. when a passing train hit them.

Sulistiono, a resident of Jl. Kawi-kawi Bawah in the subdistrict, suffered severe injuries to the head and chest while Tati, a resident of Kramat Jati subdistrict, East Jakarta, experienced worse injuries.

Ahmad Sutrisno, a friend of Sulistiono, said he witnessed the lovers sitting on the railway line but never expected that they would suffer such a tragic end.

"So far, residents in the area have never experienced such an accident. We know the train schedule. When the train is about to pass, people always move away from the tracks before gathering again after the train passes," he said.

The bodies of the deceased were taken to Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital morgue. -- Antara