Fri, 08 Jun 2001

Lopa told to complete document

JAKARTA (JP): The Central Jakarta District Court called off a hearing of a defamation suit against President Abdurrahman "Gus Dur" Wahid on Thursday because Abdurrahman's lawyer has not obtained the power of attorney.

Presiding Judge Amiruddin Zakaria said Gus Dur's lawyer, Baharuddin Lopa, who is also the attorney general, did not provide his substitute, Nien Arjono of the Attorney General's Office, with a document on the power of attorney.

"The trial will be delayed until June 18, pending Pak Lopa's completing the document," Amiruddin said.

Soeripto, a former secretary general of the Ministry for Forestry, demanded the President pay Rp 3.5 billion for defamation when the latter dismissed him from his post in March.

Gus Dur had charged Soeripto for facilitating the escape of former president Soeharto's fugitive son, Hutomo "Tommy" Mandala Putra, by using the ministry's helicopter to help transport Tommy to a safe place. (02)