Letters subject to editing
I know that letters sent to The Jakarta Post are subject to editing, but I never knew that they may change your idea. This is regarding to my letter which was printed in "Your Letters" dated Aug. 4, 1995. My original words were: "But of course, these comments usually come from no-so-well educated people", somehow the word "comment" was changed to "women", hence turning the idea of my letter.
To Mrs. Brakstad, my sincerest apology. I was educated abroad, too. My original letter was meant to show sympathy with you and those women with bule husbands whom they really love, like you do. Unfortunately, someone at The Jakarta Post was apparently sleepy, and I had been out of town so I didn't even know that my letter was misprinted. Thank you for your letter.
Note: There was no word "comments" on the particular line you quoted in your letter. We added the word women after the word these, thinking it was what you meant. We apologize for the error.
-- Editor