Mon, 19 Nov 2007

Letter to the editor, published by The Jakara Post:

Legal certainty

I am the manager of the SE Asian division of a large international retail corporation, currently staying in Bali. This is my ninth time to visit Indonesia and I would dearly love to open and do business here.

However, I fear that will be impossible for at least another 10 years or so. The stores are full of pirated and illegal merchandise here. The police and courts are indifferent to this.

The port facilities are so riddled with inefficiencies and corruption that it is fraught with too many risks and danger to import goods. Furthermore, foreigners have zero rights and cannot win court cases unless political pressure is brought to bear at the highest levels.

That is not the environment where my company is comfortable. I've been explaining this since 1999, but it has fallen on deaf ears. There is simply no will at the top for substantial change.

Nusa Dua, Bali