Mon, 27 Nov 2000

Learn to be ashamed

Recently there has been the impression that the House of Representatives (DPR) has put into practice the reform message. Once it was only a type of "yes-man" institution, justifying all the government policies. But now it is equal with the government, its voice more vocal than the executives' and sometimes more bombastic, so it is counterproductive. It is like a patient forbidden from eating this and that, but now it eats almost everything.

While enjoying the progress in the DPR's conduct, there is news that is alarming to those voters who performed their "duties" some time ago. The election turned out to be very touching because of the immense number of casualties as the price of reform. The electors were very disappointed upon learning that according to recent research by the Mass Communication Forum, many DPR members have been absent, possibly because of their laziness in attending scheduled meetings.

The DPR members should be aware that they have been elected by the people as the best figures of this country, and are paid through the sufferings of the people. The tax payers in this country must have been disappointed upon learning that their respectable representatives know no shame, particularly those who happen to be female, because their feelings should be tenderer and they should always maintain the concept of being ashamed.

Since the habit of laziness in attending the DPR's official sessions has turned into a "culture", and in order to prevent an unwanted negative image, Akbar Tanjung as "manager" of the House must take action to discipline the members to maintain the reputation of the House.

