Sat, 30 Sep 1995

Land legislation

In your report on the discussions at the public hearing organized by the United Development Party on Sept. 22, 1995 (The Jakarta Post, Sept. 23, 1995), a statement was inaccurately reported as to have been said by me. It was stated in that report that I said: Sometimes, the financiers are even supported by government and military officials.

I did not make such a statement. What I did say was that the former law on land acquisition (Regulations of Home Affairs Minister No. 15/1975) was misinterpreted as if the decision of the governor, on the form and amount of the compensation to be paid to the landowners, was final and binding and therefore must be accepted by them.

Obtaining land for whatever purpose through the so-called pelepasan/penyerahan hak (releasing/giving up right) procedure must be settled through musyawarah untuk mencapai kesepakatan (deliberations to reach mutual agreement), on both the acquisition itself and the form and amount of the compensation. This basic principle is now positively stated in the Presidential decree No. 55/1973.

