Fri, 02 Oct 1998

Land certificate not yet issued

As the legitimate owner of a house on Jl. Metro Alam II, Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, that we bought more than three years ago, to date we have not received the HGB land certificate from the developer, PT Metropolitan Kencana (PT MK).

We have contacted PT MK a number of times, however, the answer was always disappointing: "The mapping of the land and division into lots is still in progress, or there are still many houses around Metro Alam whose land certificates have not been issued."

I am amazed how PT MK manages to market Pondok Indah as an upscale residential area and sell housing lots at such hefty prices, while still incompetent of handling land documents.

As a consumer it is my right to obtain land documents of the house I bought. I am tempted to think that our land is being used as collateral in a bank, or maybe it is simply because of mismanagement. I urge PT MK to satisfy my curiosity and settle this matter as soon as possible.

I have waited long enough. It's time PT MK got to work and told us what was happening.

