Sat, 03 Apr 2004

KPUD distributes Braille templates

BANDUNG: The Bandung General Elections Commission (KPUD) distributed on Friday 85 braille templates to poll committees in 26 districts across Bandung municipality.

The distribution of the templates is aimed at helping 24,000 blind people in Bandung vote, according to Benny Moestofa, the chairman of Bandung KPUD.

The templates were handed over by Benny to Dada Rosada, the mayor of Bandung, during a ceremony held at Wyata Guna Blind Residence on Jl. Padjadjaran here. Bandung has some 1.6 million eligible voters.

Each template costs the KPUD Rp 150,000.

"This is expensive, but we have to provide them for blind people. They have the right to vote," said Benny. -- JP