Wed, 07 May 2003

KPKPN to verify prosecutors' wealth

JAKARTA: The Public Servants' Wealth Audit Commission (KPKPN) will verify wealth reports of about 40 prosecutors working at the Jakarta Prosecutor's Office on Wednesday and Thursday, an official says.

About 40 prosecutors, including West Jakarta Prosecutor's Office chief Fachmi and Central Jakarta Prosecutor's Office chief Salman Maryadi, have failed to report their wealth to the commission, said Soekotjo Soeparto, a member of the commission's unit overseeing judicial officials.

All but 40 prosecutors in Jakarta have submitted wealth reports that have been verified by the KPKPN. There are currently over 300 prosecutors in Jakarta.

"We have yet to verify the wealth reports of those 40 prosecutors," he told reporters in his office on Tuesday.

All members of the commission's judicial unit will do the verifying, Soekotjo said. However, Lili Asdjudiredja and Chairul Imam will not be involved in the verification.

Lili has been named a suspect in a corruption case while Chairul is a former prosecutor.

The commission will also verify the wealth reports of over 60 police officers with the National Police Headquarters later this month.

"Most of them have yet to report their wealth to us," he said.

About half of the police officers who have yet to submit reports are generals. National Police chief Gen. Da'i Bachtiar has said that he will ask his subordinates to report their wealth soon. -- JP