Wed, 02 Jul 2003

KPKPN questions Puteh on wealth

JAKARTA: Aceh Governor Abdullah Puteh blamed the ongoing conflict in Aceh on Tuesday for his delay in submitting a wealth report to the Public Servants' Wealth Audit Commission (KPKNP).

"He said he had been unable to concentrate on filling in the wealth report due to the ongoing conflict in Aceh," a KPKPN official, Muchayat, said on Tuesday.

He said that KPKPN had actually sent the wealth report forms to government officials across the country last year, or months before the imposition of martial law on Aceh on May 19.

Muchayat said the commission would verify reports concerning Puteh's move to set up a company, which is prohibited by law for government officials.

The commission would also verify reports from various sources that Puteh had hidden wealth.

He said Puteh was expected to face questioning within two weeks to verify his wealth report.

Puteh has rejected accusations about hidden wealth.

"This is only an ordinary verification. Other officials in Aceh have also undergone questioning," he said. --JP