Tue, 25 Mar 2003

KPKPN challenges anticorruption law

JAKARTA: Striving to maintain its existence, the Public Servants' Wealth Audit Commission (KPKPN) is seeking a judicial review with the Supreme Court against Law No. 30, 2002 on the establishment of an anticorruption commission to replace the KPKPN.

KPKPN chairman Jusuf Sjakir said KPKPN had appointed a team of lawyers led by Amir Syamsuddin to pursue the case.

He said the request for a judicial review was accepted on Monday by Supreme Court chief for civil and state administration Paulus Effendi Lotulung.

Jusuf said KPKPN members wanted the commission to be maintained alongside the planned anticorruption commission to be established in accordance with the anticorruption law enacted late last year.

"We also ask the House of Representatives to amend the law. Nineteen legislators have stated their readiness to support us," he said. --Antara