Sat, 28 Aug 2004

KPK to open wealth reports to public

JAKARTA: The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said on Friday it would allow public access to information about the wealth of state officials in a bid to promote transparency.

KPK chairman Taufikurrahman Ruki said earlier the KPK could no longer inform the public about state officials' wealth due to a lack of legislations.

He claimed that Law No. 20/2002 on the KPK did not mandate the commission to publicize officials' wealth reports, as the now- defunct Civil Servants Wealth Report Audit Commission (KPKPN) did in the past.

But according to Constitutional Court president Jimly Asshidiqie, the KPK, which replaced the KPKPN, has the authority to release the wealth reports of civil servants. --JP