Fri, 08 Jun 2001

KONI may receive additional funds from state budget

JAKARTA (JP): The National Sports Council (KONI) may receive the additional funding it requested to train its athletes for the Southeast Asian (SEA) Games.

The Ministry of Finance's directorate general of budgetary affairs is prepared to include the council's requested funding in the revised 2001 state budget, which is still being discussed by the finance minister and the House of Representatives.

Sudharno, the head of planning and budgetary affairs for the SEA Games training project, said on Thursday the directorate general already pledged to provide Rp 5 billion (US$460,000) of the Rp 16.8 billion requested by KONI for the training program, which enters its third phase this month.

The remaining Rp 11.8 billion, which would be used to finance the transportation of the athletes to Kuala Lumpur for the Games, would be included in the revised state budget.

"The directorate general has given us two options. The first is to receive the Rp 5 billion and the second is to include the remaining amount in the revised state budget. But this must be approved by the House before being disbursed."

The Games training project manager, Kusnan Ismukanto, and other officials were in agreement that KONI would try to take advantage of both options.

"We will take the Rp 5 billion and will then submit our request (for the additional funding) during a hearing with the House of Representatives," Sudharno said.

KONI has collected Rp 28 billion of the Rp 48.6 billion necessary for the final phase of its training program and to send the squad to Kuala Lumpur, leaving a Rp 13.9 billion deficit.

The Rp 48.6 billion breaks down to Rp 22.5 billion for training, Rp 20.3 billion for sports equipment and transportation to and from Kuala Lumpur and Rp 5.8 billion in bonuses for medalists.

KONI has been able to make up some of its budget shortfall with 16 of 29 sports organizations competing in the Games paying for their own training programs. This has saved the council Rp 6.6 billion.

Sudharno said KONI officials would meet with officials from the directorate general of budgetary affairs on Monday.

"The state officials want to know what we will do with the money," he said.

Sudharno also said that KONI would receive Rp 10 billion from a sponsorship deal with Bank Mandiri. KONI chairman Wismoyo Arismunandar will sign a memorandum of understanding with the state bank on Friday.

Meanwhile, KONI's deputy training director, Imron Syarifuddin, urged sports organizations only to send to the Games athletes that had the opportunity to win a medal, rather than approaching the event as a tryout for younger athletes.

"Winning at the SEA Games is our main target. The event is not for tryouts. (Sports organizations) should find other events to use as trial sessions for their athletes.

"Since we are facing serious financial shortages, we must use all available funds wisely to satisfy the public's demand that we win with every penny spent. KONI must make sure that this demand is fulfilled," Imron said.

Sports organizations have until Aug. 1 to submit the names of athletes for the SEA Games. "KONI will discuss the names in July .... It is up to Pak Wismoyo whether to send an athlete or not," he said.

"Even if the sports organizations are willing to pay the expenses of their athletes, considering the current situation it would be better if they only sent those athletes who have the chance to win."

Imron said KONI would use all available parameters to evaluate the Games hopefuls. (nvn/ivy)