Wed, 27 Apr 2005

Kodak launches new printer

AKARTA: Kodak Indonesia launched on Tuesday its Printer Dock Plus, which enables users of digital cameras and camera phones to print waterproof pictures quickly and easily.

"We plan to release 500 printers, however the number will depend on customer demand," said the demand creation manager at Kodak Indonesia, Erwin Hartawan.

He said that although the company had seen its sales decline in March and April, it had not had a significant impact on operations. Erwin did not provide data on the company's sales.

"People will never stop searching for and using digital devices, especially cameras. The prices of older cameras will certainly go down, but digital will continue to rise," said Erwin.

The Printer Dock Plus, which was released on the market at the beginning of April, sells for Rp 3.2 million (US$333). -- JP/001