Wed, 01 Jul 1998

Keep up your good work!

Since we are leaving Indonesia on July 1, at the end of our four-year contract with the United Nations Development Program, I am reluctantly obliged to terminate my subscription to The Jakarta Post by end of June 1998.

In saying goodbye, I would like to express my appreciation to your journalists and to the editors for a remarkable performance over the four years. I truly enjoyed reading your paper every day, from June 15, 1994 until today. Since I always subscribed to a local newspaper in each of the eight countries I have worked in for the United Nations, I have been able to make comparisons: the Post certainly stands out as one of the best.

I do remember many outstanding articles written by the country's best intellectuals. The fact that you were able to associate them with your paper is very much to your credit.

One bit of advice: Have somebody double check your figures, especially when transposing rupiah into U.S. dollars. They have been wrong many times.

Returning to Germany, with an everlasting love for Indonesia and its people (though not for the government), I wish that you will be able to keep up the quality and good work. I will check on it coming back as a tourist.

