Sat, 03 May 1997

Keep racist policies down under

The Australian government is awakening to the inherent dangers in the political platform of maverick parliamentarians such as Pauline Hanson. Foreign Minister Alexander Downer launched yesterday a fierce counterattack against racist policies propagated by Ms. Hanson and her One Nation Party.

Last year, when she first called on the Australian government to restrict Asian migrants, saying that the country would be "swamped" by Asians, she should have been immediately slapped on the wrist.

Asian communities from a number of countries have made Australia their home. The Pauline Hansons of this world undermine all that Australia has achieved since officially abandoning detrimental immigration policies. If society is now being threatened from within, Australia's attempt to become an integral part of Asia is under threat. Those who would like to distance Australia from the rest of Asia would gladly seize these opportunities to oppose any integration. Policies such as those of Pauline Hanson should be kept down under. Better yet, kept six feet down under.

-- The Hong Kong Standard