Sat, 04 Oct 1997

Keep pressure on Netanyahu

Even though U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has toned down her recent criticism of Israel's plans to build new houses in the Efrat settlement enclave near Bethlehem, the message is still loud and clear.

"Given the atmosphere that it was done in," Ms. Albright said. "It was my thought that this was an unnecessary kind of step when what we're trying to do is create the best climate for peace talks."

This should mean that the U.S. is effectively calling for a "time out" on building new settlements or the expansion of existing ones.

Meanwhile, the pressure on Netanyahu must be maintained at all costs lest he succeed in derailing everything that has been achieved.

If the U.S. resolve weakens in the face of Netanyahu's obstinacy and wavers in its bid to rekindle the peace process, then Israel may get the wrong message and interpret the Clinton administration's move as a green light to go ahead with its own plans to deal a deathblow to the hope of achieving Arab-Israeli peace.

-- The Jordan Times, Amman