Wed, 10 Jul 1996

Kashmir 2

This has reference to Mr. Muhammad's letter in The Jakarta Post, July 1, 1996 on Kashmir issue. Probably Mr. Muhammad has not seen my earlier letter about UN's Resolution on the subject. The resolution is to be seen in the correct perspective and in total and not just a part of it. Further Mr. Muhammad has overlooked the subsequent turn of events in 1960's and 1970's where duly elected State Legislatures endorsed the Accession of Kashmir to India. It is not just the decision of an individual but it was again the confirmation in unequivocal terms the decision of the people of integration of Kashmir with India. Also we should not loose sight of the Simla Agreement between India and Pakistan in the early 1970's.

Mr. Muhammad refers to the limited success of Bharatiya Janata Party in the recently held elections and expresses his fears as to what happens to the minorities if such a party rules the country? Mr. Muhammad probably has not followed completely the events before the elections and after the Bharatiya Janata Party was the single largest party in the recently held elections to the Parliament. If I understood the situation the recent elections in India were not fought on the religious ground. Further no sensible person in India suggested, even vaguely, that communalism should be tolerated or encouraged communalism and fanaticism were condemned by all. Mr. Muhammad overlooked the fact that even during its shortest tenure as the elected government BJP government appointed one Moslem in the Cabinet of Ministers that too as a Minister of Foreign Affairs. Could it be possible if BJP wanted to follow the course of communalism?

There is no meaning in blaming each other. Arguments and arguments alone will not lead us to anything. The real fact should be correctly understood. Once this is done things will be far more simple. I can only hope, pray for the peace in the sub- continent. Let the leaders of both the countries sit across the table and discuss with open hearts various issues. Let the money being spent on the defense, not only in India and Pakistan, but all over the world be cut drastically and diverted for better and noble cause to ensure peace in the world and for the benefit of the down trodden. Let the younger generations live in peace and reap the benefits of the scientific and technological progress the world is making.

