Wed, 27 Mar 2002

Kalijodo eviction uncertain: Mayor

JAKARTA: The North Jakarta municipality is uncertain about continuing its eviction program at the Kalijodo brothel and gambling complex due to the lack of funds to compensate the residents.

Mayor Soebagio told reporters on Tuesday that the municipality must pay a total of Rp 150 million (US$15,000) to 200 families living along the West Flood Canal riverbank.

He said the Public Works Agency was responsible for arranging the request for the budget as it was a part of the city's canal program.

Soebagio also denied rumors that he was under pressure from certain powerful individuals with vested interests not to evict Kalijodo residents.

The latest eviction at the complex last month had triggered brawl among thugs from certain ethnic groups. One man died and several others were injured in the brawl. -- JP