Sat, 12 Mar 2005


ILO sends mobile libraries to Aceh Besar

The Jakarta Post Jakarta

The International Labor Organization (ILO) will soon provide children with mobile libraries in two locations of Aceh Besar regency. The UN agency will also set up a Children's Rehabilitation and Creativity Center in the regency.

"We have selected two appropriate locations in Kutabaro and Lambaro district in Aceh Besar," an ILO staffer, Abdul Hakim, was quoted by Antara as saying in Banda Aceh on Thursday.

The locations were chosen because many displaced people in the areas, particularly children, had not been provided with sufficient aid compared to those in other temporary shelters.

"We believe that the program is very important. The mobile libraries will help provide reading materials for children, while the Rehabilitation and Creativity Center will be a great help in assessing the needs of the children," said Abdul Hakim.

ILO is also organizing a training program for adolescents between the ages of 15 to 17, who currently live in shelters in Aceh. The program will be based in Banda Aceh and starts on March 14.

The youths will be provided with practical skills training to enable them to get jobs, including computer skills and furniture- making.

"At least 192 Aceh youths will receive a 12-day training course," said Abdul Hakim.

According to Abdul Hakim, the program is in response to concerns that Aceh children, who survived the tsunami will be victims of child smuggling rings or employed in harmful work conditions. The ILO, which has long fought to eradicate child labor, will work with the local manpower office on the programs.

ILO is also organizing programs for adults, who will be trained in furniture-making, tailoring and computer use in the next two months.