Thu, 09 Jun 2005


Data on the number of casualties in war-torn Aceh

----------------------------------------------------- First six-month period of martial law from May 19 to Nov. 18, 2003 ----------------------------------------------------- GAM TNI ----------------------------------------------------- 1,334 killed 228 injured 1,077 surrendered 45 killed in action 957 arrested 30 non-combat deaths 501 weapons seized 16 weapons lost

----------------------------------------------------- Second six-month period of martial law from Nov. 19, 2003 to May 18, 2004 ----------------------------------------------------- GAM TNI ----------------------------------------------------- 1,041 killed 108 injured 639 surrendered 21 killed in action 687 arrested 36 non-combat deaths 556 weapons seized Three weapons lost

----------------------------------------------------- The first six-month period of civil emergency from May 19 to Nov. 18, 2004 ----------------------------------------------------- GAM TNI ----------------------------------------------------- 713 killed 130 injured 414 surrendered 17 killed in action 881 arrested 35 non-combat deaths 617 weapons seized 5 weapons lost

----------------------------------------------------- The second six-month period of civil emergency from Nov. 19, 2004 to May, 18, 2005 ----------------------------------------------------- GAM TNI ----------------------------------------------------- 650 killed 77 injured 696 surrendered 17 killed in action 505 arrested 12 non-combat deaths 646 weapons seized 4 weapons lost

Source: TNI