Mon, 23 Nov 1998

Journalists reject PWI leaders

YOGYAKARTA: About 100 journalists from Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Banjarmasin in South Kalimantan, the West Java of capital Bandung, and Central Java cities of Semarang, Surakarta and Kudus have declared a vote of no confidence in the new leadership of the Association of Indonesian Journalists (PWI).

In the "Yogyakarta Declaration", the journalists said they rejected the leadership of Tarman Azzam and secretary-general Bambang Sadono. The declaration was read out by senior journalist Masduki Attamimi in a gathering on Saturday at the Radisson Hotel.

"We demand that they resign immediately," the journalists said. They also called for PWI to be developed into a professional and independent association of journalists.

The forum was also attended by senior journalists Fikri Jufri of Tempo, Budiman S. Hartoyo of D&R, Satrio Arismunandar -- a former Kompas reporter who was expelled by PWI for establishing an alternative reporter association, Dahlan Iskan of Jawa Pos and Atmakusumah Astraatmadja.

PWI has in the past been criticized for having too close a tie with the government. (23/swa)