Fri, 06 Sep 1996

Jammed toll road

From Bisnis Indonesia

I have to go through the Tomang-Kebun Jeruk toll road with great stress and frustration every day. Why? Not one day passes by without this stretch of road being jammed.

Much of the problem is caused by the traffic light there which is not in proper working order. This is most embarrassing, especially because the problem has been dragging on for months. What is the meaning of the newly introduced technology day when a faulty traffic light cannot even be repaired.

The light turns red after three or four cars have passed through. It is a shameful service for road users, after we have settled our annual tax returns. Those who fail to pay tax on time are being relentlessly pursued and heavily fined.

The Sangiang-Tangerang road is also heavily jammed, and no police officer can ever be found on duty. In our confusion, we have nobody to turn to. To the governor of West Java and Tangerang district: We hope that you would cast your eyes sometimes on this earthly city.

Christiani Naomi Kenda

West Jakarta