Sun, 30 Jun 1996

Jammed roads

From Merdeka

The end of the discussion on traffic jam is nowhere in sight. On the contrary, it is taking on wider proportions since the problem is extending to regions outside Jakarta, like Bogor, Tangerang and Bekasi.

Traffic jams have often been blamed on what is called bottle necks, also on intersections. Indeed, even the toll roads are taking on the brunt of the problem.

In other words, traffic jams are everywhere, making it difficult for commuters to find alternative routes to escape traffic snarls.

This is an insurmountable problem when we have to be on time for appointments or dates. The lines of immobile vehicles stretching into infinity are enough to give the frustrated commuter angry palpitations of the heart.

Being one of the daily commuters, I would like to suggest that the authorities improve their road planning and widen the city's bottlenecks, make available more alternative roads and overpasses as well as underpasses at intersections, which will greatly minimize delays caused by traffic lights.

