Thu, 02 Jan 1997

Jakartans ring out the old, ring in the new

Photo A/B/C: Festivities

JP/IGN Oka Budhi Yogaswara JP/Arief Hidayat JP/Arief Suhardiman

PARTY TIME: Exhausted children sleep as moms and dads join the New Year's party at Ancol Dreamland with Governor Surjadi Soedirdja Tuesday (far left). Circus performers and models entertain the crowd at the Grand Hyatt (left). Hawkers cash in on families stuck in the massive traffic jam on the way to the Puncak hill resort (above) by selling food and other items.

Photo D/E/F: Mass

JP/IGGP Bayu Ismoyo JP/IGGP Bayu Ismoyo JP/Mulkan Salmona

SOLEMN TIME: A woman and her child light candles before a midnight mass in the Cathedral in Jakarta (above). Julaeha with her baby girl born an hour after the turn of the year at the Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital (right). Puppetmaster Tjetjep Supriadi kept his crowd spellbound (far right) as he held an all- night wayang golek performance at Ancol Dreamland.