Jakarta forests
Macaca fascicularis
Also known as longtailed macaque or crab-eating macaque, the monkeys can be recongnized by their distinguished hair on the crown of the head that grows backward, often resulting in a pointed crest. The body hair varies from gray to reddish brown, with lighter shade underparts, while the infants are born black. It can be found in Indonesia, the Philippines, Myanmar and Southern Indochina. Its habitat are mostly on mangrove, swamp and riverine forest up to 2,000 meter above sea level. Its diet are fruit and other plant parts such as leaves, as well as insects, frogs and crabs. Locally known as monyet ancol, the macaque is tolerant of humans and may be found near villages, often kept as pets in private homes.
Pulau Rambut
The isle is one of the Thousand Island, situated at 16.59 km from Muara Angke coast, North Jakarta. Have been declared a Wildlife Conservation isle, Pulau Rambut is a haven for a variety of vegetation and animals, especially birds. An estimated 40,000 birds stay in the swampy isle, including albatros (Lerus sp), heronlike bird or cangak (Ardea sp), oriole (Otiolus sp), white-breasted starling (Sturnus contrajala), bulbul (Pycnonotus surigaster). Some of the protected birds can also be found in the area, such as Pecuk ular (Anhinga anhinga), Roko-roko (Plegadis falcinelius), milky stork or Bluwok (Ibis cinereus) and Pelatuk besi (Threshiornis sethiopsis).
Muara Karang mangrove forest
Wildlife Conservation Muara Karang, located in the northern coast of Jakarta, is part of the Angke Kapuk forest. The 28-hectare swampy forest is under the jurisdiction of Kapuk Muara subdistrict, Penjaringan district, North Jakarta. The forest is rich with a variety of vegetation, such as Bidara (Sonneratia sp), Jangkar (Bruquiera sp), Api-api (Avicennia sp) and mangrove, or Bakau-bakau (Rhizophora sp).
Other vegetation such as nipa palm (Nypha fruticans), Warakas (Acrosthicum aureum) and seashore flower, or seruni (Wedelia biflora) can also be found in the swamp.
Endemic to Muara Karang forest is a special kind of rattan (Calamus sp) which cannot be found anywhere else in Indonesia.