Tue, 08 Sep 1998

It's time for students to act

From Pelita

After 53 years of independence is it possible that as a nation we are not capable of managing the distribution of essential foodstuffs? It is not likely. What is lacking is perhaps an inner drive to do so, and an ability to control our passion.

Some people have covered their conscience with greed. When other people are hungry and unable to buy food, the group first mentioned speculates on price increases and hoards foodstuffs in order to maximize their profits.

Minister of Cooperatives and Small Enterprises Adi Sasono has said there is a syndicate hampering the smooth distribution of foodstuffs. For lay people, syndicate refers to a group of traders. Apparently government officials entrusted with the management of food distribution are also involved.

It is really scandalous. The people paid by the government to maintain stable prices and a steady supply of foodstuffs are apparently the cause of food related disasters which have occurred intermittently over the last three decades.

I think it is time for students to act. They should organize themselves, establish a working committee and conduct a special investigation into matters linked to the distribution of foodstuffs. They should find out the main cause of the shortage and collect enough evidence to bring the culprits to court.

It is time for students to set a positive example to their seniors, who have so far show an aptitude for shouting about their demands for change, but have paid little heed to hungry people.

In unity and with the strength of the masses, the students succeeded in bringing down the authoritarian New Order regime. I am convinced that in the same manner the students will be able to take apart the vested interest of big-time robbers in the foodstuffs sector.

