Israel's pullout from territories
You do not have to believe that it is in Israel's permanent interest to remain in the territories to argue that unilateral withdrawal is a bad idea.
Under Sharon's disengagement plan, Israel was to give the Road Map a last chance to work before resorting to unilateral measures, within a time frame of about six months. This was a retreat from the prime minister's original policy, but at least it had the virtue of giving the Palestinians an incentive to meet their Road Map commitments before Israel set new borders unilaterally.
Now, with the prime minister's reported intention of withdrawing unilaterally from the Gaza settlements, the incentive has been removed completely. Why should the Palestinians raise a finger against terrorism if Israel appears to be heading toward a complete unilateral withdrawal?
To withdraw in the face of terror is to inspire further terror. Whatever peace Israel gains on its southern front it will surely lose elsewhere, as Palestinians intensify their efforts to drive Israel to the Green Line at least. -- Jerusalem Post, Jerusalem