Thu, 16 Nov 2000

Israel-Palestine peace efforts

There has recently been too much information from mass media about the cloudy ties between Israel and Palestine. In a recent article Impossible, peace in Israel-Palestine relations", despite supporting data that are rational enough, no solutions or posited and encouragement for peaceful efforts that are compulsory to both countries to take.

From so many possibilities, the effort of "forcing" peaceful ways can be taken by other nations taking shelter in UNO. This is number one. Number two, Uncle Sam, which is called "the world's policeman" since the cold war is over, should be physically and morally responsible for the enforcement of Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Israeli and Palestinian lands. Troops should have been deployed in the Israeli occupied territories like in East Timor. Number three, there are many other possibilities.

The peaceful approach by Israel and Palestine based on religion doesn't seem to be possible. One of reason is the difference between the two on the concept of secularism.

Other important things are: firstly, without peaceful real efforts made by the two by involving a third party (i.e., UNO), except for the elite relatives along with their cronies, the lives of the majority of both peoples would definitely and permanently be in a situation that is "not safe and peaceful until the end of the world.

Secondly, both Israeli and Palestinian peoples ought to fully realize that they are not the tools or the machines of provocateurs / external powers who often have as their banners narrow/old issues that at the same time are primitive and of the connotations of "West versus Islam" or "Islam versus Christianity".

By having this awareness as the main capital, both countries should expect to coexist peacefully in a relatively short time.

