Tue, 11 Jul 1995

Israel insincere towards Arabs

The foreign ministers have gathered in Bahrain to discuss cooperation and the Arab-Israeli peace talks.

The arrangement of the members of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council plus Syria and Egypt, was formed after the Persian Gulf War and after the Damascus Declaration of March 1991.

Envisaging close military and economic cooperation between the eight Arab countries, the declaration has, in practice, remained a dead letter. When the most powerful country of the region, Iran, is not in the picture in an arrangement for regional cooperation, it is natural that such an arrangement would not work.

It is pertinent here to remind the eight Arab countries who have convened in Bahrain that, despite goodwill gestures shown by the Arab countries, Israel is by no means sincere in the peace talks. From the very beginning Israel has resorted to political maneuver, procrastination, bargaining and adamancy.

The foreign ministers of the six should bear in mind that the Israeli occupation of Muslim lands has always been a source of tension and instability in the region. The Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon and the Golan Heights led to the emergence of resistance movements as a just and legitimate means of self- defense vis-a-vis the Israelis.

Occupation and peace cannot go together. History has proven that the Israelis are not sincere in their relations with the Arabs. Hence, the Arabs must spare no effort in supporting the genuine Muslim movements in the occupied territories. Freedom can only come through the barrel of a gun.

The foreign ministers should not forget that it is not only pieces of land which are at stake, but Arab dignity and pride. The Arabs can rely on Iran as a strong ally and sincere brother.

-- Tehran Times, Tehran