Sat, 27 Nov 1999

Islam forbids tie with jinn

Many changes have taken place in the country. Members of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) are now seeking the assistance of jinn. On Nov. 22, 1999, it was reported in Pos Kota that hundreds of jinn, magicians and people endowed with supernatural powers were involved in guarding the 30th congress of the NU.

KH Maksum Marzuki, better known as Gus Maksum, is known to possess magical powers. He is also the leader of Lirboyo pesantren (Islamic boarding school), which is hosting the congress. He explicitly said that a great number of jinn were recruited to safeguard the congress from any possible disturbances aimed at making the congress fail.

In another article, Sheik Mahfuz CN from the Pagar Nusa Art of Self-Defense was quoted as saying that thousands of banser (NU security personnel) were made available for the same purpose.

We, however, strongly believe that the deployment of jinn is forbidden by Allah. Involving jinn in human affairs is nothing more than associating them with Allah. A jinni is a magical entity which can float in the air and can enter a human body and exert its influence upon the individual. Jinn-based endeavors might lead to great success and thus could be falsely regarded as God's blessing.

But in truth, it is by no means a blessing from God because we are not permitted to do such things. So if Gus Maksum took the initiative to use jinn, local or imported, to safeguard the congress, he must believe in polytheism. Muslims should be warned that association with jinn is against Islamic law even if it is done in the interest of ulema and prominent religious figures. Let all Muslims be afraid of associating Allah with any living entity and struggle only through truthful means. Why not pray to God and ask for safety? Have faith that Islam forbids association with jinn.


Salamullah Foundation
