Mon, 24 Oct 1994

Irianese urged to preserve forests

JAKARTA (JP): Vice President Try Sutrisno urges young people in Irian Jaya to help preserve the province's forestry resources.

"A Well-trained young generation is needed for forest preservation in Irian Jaya since the province is functioning as one of the earth's lungs," Try said in Jayapura, capital of Irian Jaya, on Saturday.

He was in Irian Jaya to dedicate the laboratory of the Jayapura Technical Academy, which was developed through a grant from President Soeharto.

The dedication is part of Try's visit to the province. On Friday night, he opened the 12th General Assembly of the Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI) at the Mandala Stadium in Jayapura.

Try said a well-trained work force is needed to preserve the wealth of natural resources which endow Irian Jaya.

The technical academy is expected to groom and produce skilled workers, the lack of which has forced companies operating in Irian Jaya to bring in workers from other provinces, particularly Java.

"Please make full use of the presidential aid facility and maintain the equipment responsibly," Try pleaded as quoted by the Antara news agency.

The vice president said the young people in Irian Jaya and other eastern Indonesian provinces have equal access and opportunity to become the nation's future leaders, but stressed that they have to compete with their peers from other regions.

The current Sixth Five Year Plan (Pelita VI) is putting great emphasis on human resources development, which include the establishment of new schools and universities, he said.

This means that young Irianese will no longer have to travel to other provinces to study.

He said the transmigration program -- under which people from over-crowded areas in Java are resettled to the lesser populated regions such as Irian Jaya -- is also intended to compensate for the lack of human resources in the recipient provinces. (imn)