Sat, 03 Jul 1999

Irianese demand referendum results

JAYAPURA, Irian Jaya: A group of people claiming to represent residents in the remote districts of Nimboran, Kemtuk and Gresi, urged the government on Friday to disclose the results of a 1969 referendum which gave Indonesia control over what is now Irian Jaya.

The demand was made in exchange for their compliance with police orders to lower a separatist West Papua flag residents raised in Genyem village in Nimboran, 100 kilometers west of here, on Thursday.

Martinus Buaiam, the spokesman for the 30-member group, told Regent Y.P. Karafir, local police chief Lt. Col. Johny Rory and local military commander Lt. Col. Mohammad Noer residents raised the flag because they did not know about the United Nations- sanctioned referendum.

"We have never been told of how the referendum was conducted or its results," Martinus said.

Another representative, Mauritz Wouw, who fought for an independent West Papua for eight years, told the officials a friend in Jakarta he identified as Yance Hembring ordered Ganyem residents to raise the flag. (34)