Mon, 04 Nov 1996

Iraq and Israel

Just like millions of other Indonesians, I am not a politician nor political observer. But I am sure the millions of Indonesians I mentioned have the same feeling as I do. When Iraq "violates" or does something in its own territory or within its legitimate and sovereign borders, then USA reacts by sending troops, warplanes and warships to punish Iraq and try to bring Saddam Hussein down. Iraqi's national pride has been hurt by the intervention of a foreign country. Strange enough, former U.S. allies in the Gulf War are not of the same opinion and stay aloof. Does this action of the USA belong to the scenario of a presidential election `campaign?

Now the peace-loving world is facing the stubborn Israelis, the arrogant Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thinks he can do what he likes, knowing that a big power is behind him.

Even Israelis started to oppose the position taken by Netanyahu and according to Kompas on Sept. 30, 30,000 Israelis demonstrated against Netanyahu on a field called Kikar Hameda Tel Aviv. This is the biggest demonstration ever organized against a prime minister in the history of Israel. Even the Mayor Sholomo Lahat joined the demonstrators. One of the posters said: "Rabin has given us a precious thing and that is peace." Ex-prime minister Shimon Peres said that Netanyahu has united the Arab people but broke the Israelis into pieces.

If the Americans are consequent in their foreign policy then they should threaten Israel with military sanctions and send troops, planes and warships to that area, telling Israel to behave or else.

My cry here might be just a hollow thing, because I realize that the value of a statement does not depend on what is in it, but who makes the statement. You can make thousands of statements, but if there is no power behind them you cannot expect a reaction. But anyhow, it is a worth try and we are living in a democratic country where anyone can say what he thinks, as long as you observe the rules of the game.

I can only pray to Allah, the cherisher and sustainer of the world, that peace will once again prevail. Many innocent lives have been sacrificed already. We must try to stop this and live in peace and harmony.

