Mon, 29 Nov 2004

Iran's energy needs

On Nov. 22 the New York Times ran a story by Nazila Fathi headlined Iran to suspend uranium enrichment today.

This is wonderful news for the people of Iran, and the world. Our planet has an insatiable appetite for electricity, and a dwindling supply of fossil fuels. At the same time, the burning of fossil fuels is contributing to global warming at a rate not seen in 50 million years.

The proliferation of nuclear energy is a given for all those who can contemplate a world without electricity. Yet, with the ability to create nuclear energy comes a responsibility as strong as mankind has ever contemplated.

Nations that create nuclear energy must be fully open to inspection by the United Nations/ International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and embrace the covenant of peaceful, safe nuclear energy, as part of the brotherhood of the Earth's nations, which is at the core of the UN Charter.

This is one reader of The Jakarta Post who applauds Iran's decision to suspend uranium enrichment.