Mon, 25 Oct 1999

Invalid generalization

Ms. Ratnaningsih and I both have had articles published in this newspaper. Sometimes we have opposing views. According to her latest letter Indonesian psychology, published on Oct. 21, 1999, Ms. Ratnaningsih appears to base the validity of her positions on the fact that her writings have gained her many admirers. I would like to suggest that the validity of an opinion arises less from the popularity of the opinion than on how well the opinion withstands open, fact-based and properly reasoned debate. In my reply to one of Ms. Ratnaningsih's previous articles I wrote: "in some of Ms. Ratnaningsih's writing there seems to be a failure of logic."

I also expressed the opinion that recently some Megawati/PDI Perjuangan supporters seemed inclined to substitute emotion for logic in their public debates. From these statements, in her Oct. 21 letter first Ms. Ratnaningsih deduced incorrectly that I made a blanket judgment about her whole character. Then she concluded, again incorrectly, that because I made this blanket statement about her character -- which I did not -- I was suggesting that not only she, not only PDI Perjuangan supporters, but Indonesian people as a whole were less than logical, and that I preach how illogical Indonesians are. Again, which I am not doing. To accuse someone of calling all Indonesians illogical because one has criticized some Indonesians of being illogical sometimes, is, I'm sorry to say, an example of an invalid generalization, i.e. flawed logic.

To conclude her letter, Ms. Ratnaningsih suggested that I think about the value of arguments in life. I can assure Ms. Ratnaningsih that as an attorney and former student of philosophy I thrive on debate. I don't always debate her points because first of all it is not necessary to challenge every difference of opinion. I don't debate with Ms. Ratnaningsih because some of her arguments are illogically put forth.

Finally, prolonged two-party debate in a public forum has diminishing general interest. For further debate, I'd be happy for Ms. Ratnaningsih to contact me via my e-mail address.


Medan, North Sumatra