Tue, 02 Jul 1996

Int'l Dance Fiesta to be held here

JAKARTA (JP): Jakarta will host the fourth International Dance Festival (IDF'96), July 25 through July 31.

Sal Murgiyanto, chairman of the committee, said in a press meeting at Gedung Kesenian, Jakarta that the festival will feature artists from 11 countries including Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan France, the United States, and Venezuela.

"The festival is a forum for Indonesian and international dancers to present their best creations and share their expertise and talents," said Murgiyanto, a noted dance critic.

The festival, he said, is also intended to encourage dance development in the country. "This year's festival presents both senior and junior choreographers such as Bagong Kussudiardjo, Farida Oetoyo and young dancer and choreographer Linda Hoemar. It is a process of regeneration," Murgiyanto said.

Ratna Riantiarno, the committee's spokeswoman, said IDF'96 is jointly organized by the Jakarta Arts Institute (IKJ), the Jakarta Arts Council (DKJ), Taman Ismail Marzuki Arts Center, Gedung Kesenian Jakarta and several foreign cultural centers.

Aside from dance performances, IDF'96 will also hold seminars and workshops on dance, culture and management from July 15 to July 31. The seminars and workshops will feature prominent dance experts such as I Made Bandem from Indonesia, Anita Donaldson from the University of Sydney, Marriene Nurberger from the University of Vienna and Chua Soo-Pong from Singapore.

Ratna said that the dance festival, which is held every two years, will be included in Jakarta's annual international cultural agenda. (raw)