Fri, 05 Jul 1996

Interfering PDI

I implore our respective government/ABRI officials to cease using sentences like, "The government/ABRI will not interfere with the PDI matter", "PDI will have to settle its own disputes" and "The DPP PDI (Soerjadi) has the trust of all PDI members".

These types of bogus statements only insults my intelligence, and further deplete my confidence in these officials. Anyone with an objective mind can see from the streets all over Indonesia that the majority of the PDI population does not support the Medan Congress and Mr. Soerjadi. It is also a fact that the government/ABRI have already interfered with PDI matters when they blatantly supported the PDI Congress and its subsequent results.

The majority of the people may not like to air their views on such political matters, but apathy does not necessarily mean ignorance.

