Thu, 03 Aug 2000

Informatics network

Informatics is glad to reply to the article in The Jakarta Post on July 21, 2000, from Mr. Adrianus Hiyung Tjung. Mr. Adrianus's interest in obtaining an IT academic accreditation led him to the long-sanding name of Informatics Computer School (ICS) of the Informatics Group in Singapore.

There are ICS centers in Taman Aries and Pondok Cabe, with new centers to be set up in Pluit in the months of August and September, and Slipi in the months of September and October. Through franchising, Informatics Group has extended its network to more than 30 countries, with more than 280 centers around the world with more on the way.

Informatics thanks Mr. Adrianus and his friends for their interest and commitment to increasing their value in the information global village and will be happy to assist them in any way possible.


Informatics Group
