Wed, 17 Jul 1996

Indonesia's contribution

The chances of finding a settlement to the Moro problem are improving, especially since the government in Manila and the Moro National Liberation Front agreed to establish an autonomous region for the Moros in the southern Philippines.

As a neighbor and a fellow ASEAN member we are relieved to see the positive developments in a conflict that has plagued the Philippines for 24 years. Moreover, we are proud that Indonesia's efforts to help settle the Moro problem peacefully have begun to show results.

Indonesia's initiative in sponsoring the initial talks between Manila and the MNLF and our readiness to be host to a series of meetings between the two parties demonstrate the concern that we feel as a member of the world community of nations.

Philippine President Fidel Ramos acknowledged the important role that Indonesia has played in finding a peaceful settlement by conveying his gratitude to President Soeharto and to the entire Indonesian nation.

The Moro question has shown us that however complicated a situation may be, a peaceful approach is the most effective.

-- Kompas, Jakarta