Sat, 30 Apr 2005

Indonesia and International standing

Indonesia has just completed its job as the host of the historical Asian-African summit with more than 80 delegations from the two gigantic continents attending and celebrating the golden jubilee of the first summit conducted in 1955.

Unfortunately, I did not see any smart gesture from the Indonesian side to enhance its international standing during this important event. The issue of the day is on the reform of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). While Indonesia once received support from Australia to become one of the new permanent members of the powerful UNSC, Indonesia's response was either unclear or pessimistic.

On the other hand, we can see other "fully aware" countries such as Japan, China and India using the event to maximum effect. While Japan was quite pragmatic in extending an apology for its past atrocities as a clear act to polish its ambition for the UNSC seat, China -- already a member of the body, which but suffered under Japan's past aggression -- with dignity said, "Hey, you should take history as a mirror before looking toward the future" (The Jakarta Post, April 24).

India, too, said, "Our continents bring together most of the great religions of the world. Yet, we do not have a commensurate voice in the international institutions of the modern world. Democratization of the United Nations and its specialized agencies must be a fundamental plank of our strategic partnership (the Post, April 24). It obviously reflects India's ambition for the UNSC seat.

Indonesia, despite problems we are facing, has actually significant selling points to promote itself, too: The third biggest democracy in the world, the biggest Muslim population of any country, the fourth most populated country and the diversity of its cultures. Why don't we use these selling points? Why were we so busy showering our guests with words that merely glorified our country in the past? Aren't we aware that reform at the UNSC is a rare event in history? Why don't we just try to rigorously promote our country?