Sat, 14 Aug 1999

Independence Day traffic changes

JAKARTA (JP): Motorists are suggested to avoid the area around Merdeka Presidential Palace in Central Jakarta on Tuesday due to street closures for the 54th anniversary of Indonesia's Independence Day, an official said on Thursday.

City Administration spokesman Kamaludin S. said the streets to be closed were Jl. Veteran, Jl. Veteran II, Jl. Veteran III, eastern part of Jl. Majapahit, Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat, Jl. Silang Monas Barat Laut and Jl. Museum.

He said traffic from the Kota area would be rerouted through Jl. Sukardjo Wiryopranoto, and traffic from Jl. Sudirman would be rerouted through Jl. Mas Mansur, Jl. Fachrudin, Jl. Wahid Hasyim, Jl. Kebon Sirih and Jl. Budi Kemuliaan.

Motorists from Menteng and Kota areas are requested to take Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur, Jl. Perwira and Jl. Sutomo, he said in a statement.

Kamaludin said the National Monument (Monas) park would be temporarily closed to the public during a ceremony to be held at the presidential palace. (jun)