Sat, 22 Mar 1997

Inconsiderate bus drivers

From Neraca

It has become a common sight that passengers of public mini vans, even state-owned PPD buses, are being moved from one vehicle to another in the capital. Jakartans seem to have become accustomed to this inconsiderate treatment from bus drivers, even if their actions are illegal and cause considerable inconvenience.

Despite these visible violations of traffic laws, road officers do not seem bothered and have apparently left passengers to the mercy of wily bus drivers.

Drivers only dare to violate traffic laws if they are in collusion with traffic officials.

But why should this go on forever without any efforts from the authorities to straighten out the present situation?

The big losers in this game are the bus passengers.

I suggest the authorities should take action and reprimand drivers who move their passengers to other vehicles whenever they see fit to do so.

If nothing is done about this, the ongoing national discipline drive would have been in vain.

