Wed, 31 Dec 1997

Inaccurate 'CNN' report

I was surprised while watching Cable News Network (CNN) on Dec. 10, by Ms. Maria Ressa's report on the haze situation in Southeast Asia and particularly in Indonesia. I was dismayed at the report's inaccuracy which projected an image far from the actual situation. I feel obliged to react strongly, as reporting on such a dramatic subject should be based on actual facts rather than personal opinion.

Ms. Ressa's report gave the impression that the haze, resulting from forest fires in Indonesia during the summer months, continued to affect the populations of Indonesia's neighboring countries. This has not been the case since the beginning of the rainy season and the arrival of the northeast monsoon and the northeast winds. Rain has extinguished the remaining fires and dissipated the haze.

In fact, by mid-November satellites were only detecting the remnants of fires in some of the areas affected and much of the smoke had already cleared. At the same time, pollution reports from Malaysia showed that the level of air pollutants had fallen to a range of good to moderate. Satellite pictures showed that the haze had receded tremendously and could no longer be seen. Today the forest fires are all extinguished.

It is unfortunate that Ms. Ressa's report also lacked relevant and accurate information on the measures undertaken by the Indonesian government to combat the fires and the valuable help and assistance it received from other countries.

I am rather disappointed that such outdated information was broadcast around the world, giving viewers a wrong image of the situation which may result in seriously deterring them from planning visits to our country.


Ambassador, Permanent Representative

of Indonesia to the United Nations

and other International Organizations
