Sat, 11 Aug 2001

In search of the dream family

JAKARTA (JP): Indonesian families have been invited by the fast-food restaurant chain, McDonald's, to participate in a competition titled My Dream Family, which offers plane tickets to Hong Kong for the five winning entrants.

The competition is open for families consisting of a couple with two children aged between five and 12 years old.

The participants will undergo three selection procedures. First, one of the children must send a piece of writing titled Keluargaku, Inspirasiku, Masa Depanku (My family, My inspiration, My future) and a 10R-size photograph of the family enclosed with a registration form available at McDonald's restaurants.

All of them must be addressed to PO Box 4555 JKTM, Jakarta 12700 or e-mailed to by the end of the month at the latest. (ivy)