Mon, 04 Nov 1996

Immigration office smooth and kind

Foreign workers and researchers are well aware that the process to obtain a temporary stay visa is long and complicated. Readers of this section of The Jakarta Post also know that the immigration office in South Jakarta has been criticized for exacerbating the process. I experienced the problems firsthand when I applied for a visa last year. The experience was almost too much to bear, and I nearly walked out of the office with the intention of going straight home and never returning to Indonesia.

In light of these criticisms, my most recent trip to that office deserves mention. Renewing my visa required about one hour on the first day, after which I was told to return in two days. The second trip required only about 15 minutes. The process was much smoother, the employees were polite and helpful, and even personally guided me from one window to the next.

My experiences at Kantor Imigrasi in South Jakarta last year and this year were so different they deserve to be noted. I do not believe the difference is due entirely to good luck or to my greater familiarity with the system. Rather, I think it is more likely that the immigration office listened to the criticism and made adjustments. We, in turn, should give credit where credit is due. My experience is that the immigration office in South Jakarta has become a much more friendly and efficient office. Whoever is responsible deserves credit and thanks.

