Mon, 09 Mar 1998


First, let me convey my gratitude and appreciation to your two series of analyses on the current Indonesia economic crisis.

Your analyses -- using language so that the common business community could understand what's going on -- and suggested solutions to counter the deteriorating crisis were really helpful.

Let me quote one of your statements: "The crisis erupted because of change of risk perception by the parties involved." I would I like to contribute my opinion on the crisis in relation to this statement.

Now, we are facing economic and political crises. The economic crisis has been widely argued in the media by many experts. We still have to deal more about the political crisis and, hence, the need for political reforms, which include abolition of monopolies and oligopolies, favoritism and nepotism.

To engage ourselves in economic reforms without, at the same time, dealing with political reforms is getting us nowhere.

I am a Javanese and I have a built-in attitude called 'nggih- nggih mboten kepanggih' (keep nodding but do nothing). I think this is the case today. The government said "yes" to the IMF requirements, but it continues to look for loopholes to get out from the bond.

It is time the government considered seriously the merit of the IMF-plus system so as not to create further confusion.

